
orals クイズ

  • 問題 1 :
  • Other unique phenotypic features in our case were strabismus, severe oral apraxia, and joint hyperlaxity, which are all supposedly part of the phenotype of this de novo KCND3 mutation.
    1. orals
    2. oral
  • 問題 2 :
  • In the CONFIRM-1 and -2 randomized trials of vatalanib plus FOLFOX4 for the first- and second- line therapy of mCRC, the oral inhibitor of VEGFR did not improve the efficacy of CT in the overall population.
    1. orals
    2. oral

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en oral
  2. fr oral
  3. en Oral
  4. en morals
  5. en corals
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 1
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