
mermen クイズ

マーマン, 半魚人
  • 問題 1 :
  • a crested bird called in Zemblan sampel (‘silktail’), closely resembling a waxwing in shape and shade, is the model of one of the three heraldic creatures (the other two being a reindeer proper and a merman azure, crined or) in the armorial bearings of the Zemblan King, Charles the Beloved
    1. merman
    2. mermen
  • 問題 2 :
  • mercow , mermaid , merman , merswine , mersnake
    1. merman
    2. mermen

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en germen
  2. en merm
  3. en merman
  4. en mermin
  5. en Carmen
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 1
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