
located クイズ

位置して, 位置します
  • 問題 1 :
  • The ability to shift profits to low-tax countries by locating intellectual property in them, which is then licensed to related businesses in high-tax countries, is often assumed to be the preserve of high-tech companies.
    1. locating
    2. locates
    3. located
    4. locate
  • 問題 2 :
  •     Imagine a full binary tree in which the probability of getting from any parent node to one of its child nodes is 50%. Associate labels of '0' and '1' to the paths to the child nodes of each parent node. Then the probability of getting from the root to a leaf node is a negative power of 2, and the length of the path (from the root to that leaf node) is the negated base-2 logarithm of that probability. Now imagine a random bit stream in which each bit has an equal chance of being either 0 or 1. Think of the full binary tree as describing a Huffman encoding for a script whose characters are located at the leaf nodes of the said full binary tree. Each character decodes a string of bits whose length is the length of the path from the root node to the leaf node corresponding to that character. Now use "Huffman decoding" to convert the bit stream to a character stream (of the given script). The average compression ratio between the bit stream and the character stream can be seen to be equal to the information entropy of the character stream.
    1. locating
    2. locates
    3. located
    4. locate

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en locate
  2. en locates
  3. en locatee
  4. en locater
  5. en lobated
出典: ウィクショナリー
難しい性質: レベル 1
簡単に     ➨     難しいです
明確性: レベル 1
明確    ➨     多目的