
fiercer クイズ

激化, 激しく
  • 問題 1 :
  • Coming in among us by hundreds and thousands, as they now are and for years have been, their gentler and fiercer passions, like meadow rivulets and mountain torrents, mixing in with and modifying our own, and their art, science and literature, their hardhandedness and willingheartedness, and their experiences of life generally, giving to and receiving from ours new impulses and new directions, the whole soon flow together in one common stream of Humanity, which will be found irresistible by any barriers that may oppose its course, and inevitably give new and peculiar aspects to the region and the era wherein it holds its way.
    1. fiercest
    2. fiercer
    3. fierce
  • 問題 2 :
  • But there was sophistication and beauty in the way that traditional African dance motifs, like the fierce, stamping Zulu indlamu sequences, were woven together with more sinuous abstract movements.
    1. fiercest
    2. fiercer
    3. fierce

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en fierce
  2. en piercer
  3. en amercer
  4. en coercer
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 1
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