
adjusted クイズ

調整後, 調整
  • 問題 1 :
  • The blade is easily adjusted and can be placed in a protective, noncutting position by turning a circular dial on the underside.
    1. more adjusted
    2. most adjusted
    3. adjusted
  • 問題 2 :
  • The supernatant, containing the lipid droplets, was adjusted to 20% sucrose and overlayered with 5% sucrose, and HLM. Lipid droplets were floated to the top of the discontinuous sucrose gradient using a Beckman SW40 rotor (28,000 rpm, 30 min) and recovered by tube slicing.
    1. more adjusted
    2. most adjusted
    3. adjusted

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en adjuted
  2. en adusted
  3. en adjuster
  4. en adjured
  5. fr ajuster
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 1
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