
withoute 例文


    Examples of withoute in a Sentence

  • 例文 withoute
    1. And that such purueou'rs be not chaunged withoute grete and notable cause, and that in the presence abouesaid, and that euery such purueoure and acatour afore his admyttinge to such oflice make his othe in manere and fourme folowinge: -- That he shall truly, justely, and egally, withoute oppression of the poore or fauor of the riche, obserue and vse his commission and occupie his said office, to the most profite and behoue of the kyng and eschuyng of the hurt of his people, and yn especiall that he shall obserue and keepe thynges that folwene.

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類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en without
  2. en wythoute
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明確性: レベル 1
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