
paints 例文


    Examples of paints in a Sentence

  • 例文 paint
    1. He dropped the bucket and got paint all over the floor and his clothes.
    2. We'd better slap some fresh paint on that wall.
    3. to dash wine with water; to dash paint upon a picture
    4. This whole remodeling was an afterthought, we were only going to paint and call it good.
    5. Overcoming the gravity of representation and the figurative, automatism and acquired reflexes, she mixes brute force and translucid emotions to paint an ontological, disquieting, enigmatic human figure free from artifice, universal in its expression.
    6. He placed a boobie-trap so that a bucket of paint would fall on anyone who opened the door.
    7. Brush the paint onto the walls.
    8. She was chagrined to note that the paint had dried into a blotchy mess.
    9. Be careful not to chip the paint.
  • 例文 paints
    1. In all these he paints only the one woman, of concentrated, unconsidering passion, ready to sacrifice heaven and defy hell for a guilty man, beloved in spite of religion or reason.
    2. Jim's aunt paints beautiful watercolours.
    3. The levels of lead in marine hull paints are still unacceptably high.
    4. Drying oils are used as the bases of many paints and varnishes.
    5. Although it is both transitive and intransitive, paint is not an ergative verb, because when we say "Bob paints", this is very different from when we say "Bob gets painted".
    6. 2008 May/Jun, Erin Barnes, “Glossed Over”, E: The Environmental Magazine, volume 19, number 3, page 21: Every day we are exposed to low doses of phthalates in food containers, perfumes, hairsprays, floorings, paints, toys and medical devices.
    7. No two mixings of these paints are ever the same.
    8. She paints and powders.
    9. Turpentine or mineral spirits can be used as a thinner for oil based paints.
  • 例文 painted
    1. On the 11th Century glass bowl above, the painted figureswinged genii, nude athletes and brawny soldiersresemble mythological characters but may be only lighthearted mimicry of ancient Greek or Roman subjects.
    2. The surgical area was painted with batticon.
    3. This could have been avoided by the simple process of suspending egg crating made of timber or some other solid material painted black with the light fittings above it.
    4. They found these seeds and painted faces on them,” she says, picking up a long sausage-like fruit fallen from the kigelia trees.
    5. The results showed that a short arm of a bi-armed macrochromosome pair was painted with GGA3 and a long arm with GGA5 and GGA7 in most species.
  • 例文 painting
    1. I took your advice and auctioned off that old painting. You'll never believe I got over 2,000 pounds for it!
    2. I've broken the back of painting the shed - I'll finish it after lunch.
    3. Later on Alice decensored her painting by painting over the fig leafs she had been forced to put in.
    4. He doesn't give a damn about your child's painting, he's just interested in the gold frame.
    5. Painting the woodwork will improve this house. ‎
    6. It was the end of term and students decided to celebrate by painting the town red.
    7. The shop was reframing the painting.
    8. He took up painting with his wife.
    9. He managed to talk his way out of painting the fence.
    10. You must wash the wall down well before painting.
  1. en paintstick
  2. en paints out
  3. en paintsticks
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