
paintings 例文


    Examples of paintings in a Sentence

  • 例文 painting
    1. He put a glob of paint into the cup and went on painting.
    2. We were just goofing by painting the neighbors cat green.
    3. The juxtaposition of the bright yellows on the dark background made the painting appear three dimensional.
    4. The foreground of this painting is not in keeping.
    5. My Picasso painting is not very liquid, it would take me months to sell it. Gold on the other hand is convertible to cash at any moment, making it a very liquid commodity.
    6. That painting looks nice. ‎
    7. With 80 works ranging from folksy illustrations to precisionist Dutch-inspired landscapes and loose 20th-century abstractions, it offers a minihistory of American painting but also challenges tired notions about watercolor as an amateur’s medium.
    8. She newspapered one end of the room before painting the bookcase.
    9. The shock was multiple: Not only was this immense, furry orangeness a painting, it was interactive; you could run your fingers through its color.
  • 例文 paintings
    1. His exhibition of nude paintings deviated from local censorship norms.
    2. Flash photography is forbidden in the main gallery because it may damage the paintings.
    3. Prehistoric artists used hand-prints in cave paintings, perhaps as as 'signature'. They might be considered the earliest example of a biometric identifier.
    4. Over the next two years he finished two paintings and a drawing that referred to Hart Crane, the American poet who jumped off a ship in midsea and drowned.
    5. The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings. ‎
    6. A reinventor of rephotography, Mr. Prince has cannily parlayed his jaundiced view of society, especially its macho subcultures, into an array of market-friendly paintings and sculpture.
    7. Three irreplaceable paintings were stolen from the gallery. ‎
    8. This seems simplistic, as [ … ] his oeuvre is as obsessed with death as a museum full of trecento paintings.

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en painting
  2. en pantings
  3. en faintings
  4. en pointings
  5. en printings
出典: ウィクショナリー
難しい性質: レベル 3
簡単に     ➨     難しいです
明確性: レベル 1
明確    ➨     多目的