
organisms 例文


    Examples of organisms in a Sentence

  • 例文 organism
    1. a primitive, oligocellular organism
    2. a stenothermal organism
    3. The rock surface of a rockpool is the substrate for a sessile organism such as a limpet.
    4. A parrot is a sexually reproducing organism.
    5. As doctor of nostology, Professor McCamish studies the senile stages of an organism or race of organisms...
    6. In shotgun sequencing of genomic DNA, fragments of a genome are sequenced and computationally reassembled to determine the genome of an organism
    7. • Rose bushes can carry an organism that causes sporotrichosis, a fungal infection .
    8. organismmicroorganism
  • 例文 organisms
    1. Similar to proteomics, the majority of ecometabolomics studies have focused on demonstrating that distinct metabolic profiles are observed for organisms exposed to different types of chemical stressors either in the laboratory or in the field [ 40 ].
    2. To date, Daphnia and fish, particularly zebrafish and fathead minnow, appear to be the most common model organisms for ecotoxicogenomics studies employing DNA microarrays.
    3. In fact eDNA, as commonly referred to in the literature, is a continuum from DNA contained in whole living organisms to extraorganismal DNA in tissue remains or free, extramembranous DNA in the environment [28 ].
    4. These insect and mole-rat colonies are multi-organismic equivalents of single organisms.
    5. At the contact to sediment infillings, fungi produced haustoria that penetrated and scavenged on the remains of fragmented marine organisms.
    6. For example, Chironex fleckeri has a relatively large body and a higher ratio of mastigophores (the longest of the penetrant cnidae) correlating to the large organisms which they prey upon [ 41 ].
    7. This is also the case for other groups of organisms such as green algae, red algae, diatoms, brawn algae, rotifers, peronosporales, insects, etc.

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en organism
  2. fr organisés
  3. fr organisas
  4. en organises
  5. fr organises
出典: ウィクショナリー
難しい性質: レベル 3
簡単に     ➨     難しいです
明確性: レベル 1
明確    ➨     多目的