
genitals 例文


    Examples of genitals in a Sentence

  • 例文 genital
    1. When the changes produced by congestion are visible, as in the eye, the nostril, the mouth, the genital organs, and on the surface of the body in white or unpigmented animals, the part appears red from the increase of blood [ …]
    2. The drug praziquantel, which costs only 32 cents per child, would prevent schistosomiasis, a worm disease that starts as a urinary tract infection but, untreated, can lead to female genital sores that make it easier for H.I.V. to enter.
    3. At these outpatient clinics, men who only had sex with women were screened for CT on genital sites only, and women were also screened anorectally on indication of anal sex and/or symptoms and/or belonging to a high-risk group.
    4. Contrarily to epithelial-genital strains, LGV and oculotropic strains do not encode a functional cytotoxin [81 , 85 ].
    5. Overall, 50% (6/12) of symptomatic incident HSV-1 infections were associated with genital lesions; the remaining symptomatic individuals had either orolabial lesions or pharyngitis.
  • 例文 genitals
    1. You see, for a true geek there's often little difference, because when you engage our brains, which are connected to our genitals, it often turns on our lust response (we're quite often sapiosexuals - people who lust after intellect first), but it's the *brain* you aim for, the intellect, to turn us on, not our genitals.
    2. It was—and still is—commonly believed that the black had “larger . . . sexual organs,” as a psychologist recorded; the black was looked on as “an inexhaustible sex-machine with oversized genitals and a vast store of experience.”
    3. Humans and other mammals reproduce with their genitals.

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類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en genital
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