
events 例文


    Examples of events in a Sentence

  • 例文 event
    1. Ove Nygren, the motorcycle-racing man-child of the U.S. Pro Tour, was among the air-happy honchos who thought the event should include a gelandesprung.
    2. Every four years, some of us fawn over Olympic hockey, a great event with bigger rinks, minimal goonishness and national pride in addition to the heightened skills of veritable all-star squads.
    3. One's own death is an 'accidental' event, simply another instance of the general rule that human beings die.
    4. We'd like to thank all the contributors who have invested countless hours into this event.
  • 例文 events
    1. Over the last five years, Mr. Beckman has developed an agencylike business within Condé Nast’s ad sales unit, generating new revenue by planning events for advertisers and creating advertisements that help sell more magazine pages.
    2. In the new store, replicated beams were added to the ceiling in the sales area, where cellarlike arches and accents are repeated in the events room on the second level.
    3. The success of his undertaking is contingent upon events which he can not control.
    4. A current-events column in the student paper.
    5. It is now apparent that future analyses of Delta in Notch signaling events must consider its potential as a diffusable ligand.
    6. The events were so fantastic that only the tabloids were willing to print them.

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. fr évents
  2. en event
  3. fr évent
  4. en evens
  5. en vents
出典: ウィクショナリー
難しい性質: レベル 1
簡単に     ➨     難しいです
明確性: レベル 1
明確    ➨     多目的