
come about 例文

起こります, 来てください

    Examples of come about in a Sentence

  • 例文 come about
    1. He pestered me until Kingdom come about the concert.
    2. We have to ask, how did this come about?
    3. Interactions of mental states with one another, or changing relations of the organism and the environment, determine all sorts of changes in the quality of the mental states as regards pleasure and pain. To show how these changes come about is to obtain the laws of "algedonics."
    4. Those Brit critics, recalling Laurie's days of the slightly undignified do-what-you-have-to-to-get-ahead routine of a young British actor on the way up are past him, like to imply that his new life — what some of them have called his “reinvention” — as an American star has only come about because of his days in the Brit-com boot camp of the 1980s and '90s.
  • 例文 came about
    1. So it came about, through Pavlov's work, that the Soviets developed and perfected the 'brain-washing' technique seen to be so effective in the state trials of the 1930s. An amazed world witnessed the sight of intelligent and renowned figures genuinely confessing to criminal acts against the state, or voicing ideological dogma in a total reversal of their previously held values.

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en came about
  2. en comes about
  3. en come aloft
  4. en move about
  5. en comes out
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 1
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