
an 例文

EN[æn] [-æn] [ən] [h]
US US, unstressed in the phrase "an egg"

    Examples of an in a Sentence

  • 例文 an
    1. A nullary predicate is a proposition. Also, an instance of a predicate whose terms are all constante.g., P(2,3) — acts as a proposition.
    2. A predicate can be thought of as either a relation (between elements of the domain of discourse) or as a truth-valued function (of said elements).
    3. Nothing like a prekindergartener to really boil an issue down to its core.
    4. The idea of a trust came up during prenegotiations, and the U.A.W. recently agreed to such an arrangement at the Dana Corporation , a bankrupt parts supplier.
    5. preparedness for an exam
    6. Financed and photographed by the writer-director himself, a Baltimore resident who raised the money by making TV commercials, it combines the rigors of elaborate preplanning with the bold risk taking of an aleatory event.
    7. They are also hugely varied, and on a recent Friday night included hipsters, prepsters, fraternity boys in ball caps, soul men with their entourages, East Side girls in diamonds, Howard University grads and an old man pushing 70 in a navy flannel suit.
    8. Users of an instant messaging service are presentities that may show themselves as online, offline, or away.
    9. Stan Laurel, who as a young comic was much influenced by Langdon (and later collaborated with him as a writer), was able to instill an endearing sense of presexuality in the character he created in his teamwork with Oliver Hardy.
    10. to press cloth with an iron
  1. en and
  2. fr an
  3. en any
  4. en another
  5. en anything
出典: ウィクショナリー
難しい性質: レベル 1
簡単に     ➨     難しいです
明確性: レベル 9
明確    ➨     多目的