
adjusted 例文

調整後, 調整

    Examples of adjusted in a Sentence

  • 例文 adjusted
    1. The bacteriologist adjusted the focussing knob on the microscope.
    2. Then he unlaced his brown oxfords, folded up his khakied legs, adjusted his button-down collar, and proceeded to meditate for 20 minutes.
    3. The blade is easily adjusted and can be placed in a protective, noncutting position by turning a circular dial on the underside.
    4. She adjusted her lipstick in the glass. ‎
    5. I adjusted the leveler built into each leg of the table, but it still wobbled.
    6. I adjusted the leveller built into each leg of the table, but it still wobbled.
    7. The seeds were adjusted to make sure that there were good pairings for the tennis tournament.
    8. A pantograph can be adjusted to make either scaled or exact copies.
    9. The platform grain shield and the windboard at rear of the binder deck will assist in making better bundles and prevent scattering of grain, if properly adjusted for long or short straw.

Other Vocabulary

類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en adjuted
  2. en adusted
  3. en adjuster
  4. en adjutes
  5. en adulted
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 1
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