
account for 例文


    Examples of account for in a Sentence

  • 例文 account for
    1. We must account for the use of our opportunities.
    2. Low rates for backhaul account for the huge volume of waste paper shipped to Asia from the US.
    3. Termites and cows account for much greenhouse gas.
    4. The Court itself, with its rent, the wages of the Marker and the tips to the Marker, the rackets and the balls, the baths and the flannels and the washing of the flannels, do much to account for the costliness of play.
    5. May we not [ …] consider his history of the fall as an excellent mythologue, to account for the origin of human evil? — Geddes.
    6. The building's architect failed to account for natural light availability and specified more lighting fixtures than needed, resulting in over-illumination and leading to increased headache incidence for some building occupants.
    7. I don't have to account for anything to you.
    8. The storekeeper was expected to account for any material removed.
    9. The torrential downpour would account for the saturated state of the land.
    10. Coyotes account for more rabbits than hunters do.

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類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en account of
  2. en account to
  3. en accounter
  4. en accounts to
  5. en account book
出典: ウィクショナリー
明確性: レベル 5
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