
Nepal 例文

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    Examples of Nepal in a Sentence

  • 例文 Nepal
    1. The Gurkha royal house of Shah united all Nepal under its rule
    2. For me, in any case, Ladakh seemed a beautifully unfallen place next to the blue-glass shopping malls of modern Lhasa, the global village of pizza joints and guesthouses that is urban Nepal, or long-isolated Bhutan with its chic new hotels.
    3. After the Gurkha royal house of Saha (Shah) united Nepal, it raised its title from Raja not just to rajadhiraja, as the rulers of the annexed states, but to maharajadhiraja, a status claim corroborated by marital alliances with the noblest Indian dynasties
    4. IraqIraqi, IsraelIsraeli, PakistanPakistani, BengalBengali, NepalNepali, Desh → Desi, Hyderabad → Hyderabadi
  1. en Nepali
  2. en Nepalis
  3. en Nepalese
  4. en Nepalian
  5. en Nepalians
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明確性: レベル 9
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