
uphold 意味

守ります, 維持します

    Definition of uphold in English Dictionary

  • 動詞 (Verb)SGupholdsPRupholdingPTupheldPPupheldPPupholdenSUF-old
    1. To hold up; to lift on high; to elevate.
      1. The mournful train/ Echoed her grief, [...]/ With groans, and hands upheld, to move his mind, /Besought his pity to their helpless kind
    2. To keep erect; to support; to sustain; to keep from falling; to maintain.
      1. A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.
    3. To support by approval or encouragement.
    4. より多くの例
      1. 文の途中で使用される
        • The Supreme Court upheld the principle of one person, one vote. ‎
        • Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees.
        • A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.
    • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 動詞
      1. en upholder
      2. en upholds
      3. en upholden
      4. en upholders
      5. en upholding
      出典: ウィクショナリー

      Meaning of uphold for the defined word.

      文法的に、この単語"uphold"は 動詞です。
      難しい性質: レベル 3
      簡単に     ➨     難しいです
      明確性: レベル 7
      明確    ➨     多目的