
tobacco 意味

EN[təˈbækoʊ] [-ækəʊ]
タバコ たばこ
  • たばこは、ナス科タバコ属の栽培種の葉を嗜好品に加工した製品である。日本の法令上は「タバコ属の植物」を「たばこ」といい(たばこ事業法2条1号)、「たばこの葉」を「葉たばこ」(たばこ事業法2条2号)という。

    Definition of tobacco in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLtobaccosPLtobaccoes
    1. (uncountable) Any plant of the genus Nicotiana.
      1. (uncountable) Leaves of Nicotiana tabacum and some other species cultivated and harvested to make cigarettes, cigars, snuff, for smoking in pipes or for chewing.
        1. Tobacco-settlement bonds are a tribute both to the inventiveness of bankers and the childlike impatience of politicians.
      2. (countable) A variety of tobacco.
        1. Tobaccos from the Connecticut Valley were used for wrapping cigars. ‎
    2. より多くの例
      1. 文の途中で使用される
        • In the tobacco hornworm, many larval motoneurons become respecified and supply new muscles in the adult.
        • In the US tobacco companies have been forced to demarket tobacco products.
        • Then the children, dear little angels! will like to molarize juta-paste and taffy, and the happy father while purchasing these at Mike Sweeney's should try some of that tradesman's tobacco and cigars.
      2. 文の初めに使われる
        • Tobaccos from the Connecticut Valley were used for wrapping cigars. ‎
      3. 文の終わに使われる
        • Six different brands of khaini products [ Table 1 ] had an average of 6.65 ± 2.69 mg nicotine per gram of tobacco.
        • They never seemed to want anything, even at the sutler's store, though the Lord knows there wasn't much there they could want except tanglefoot and tobacco.
    • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 名詞
        • 可算名詞
          • 絶対単数
            • 不可算名詞
        1. en tobacconist
        2. en tobaccos
        3. en tobaccoes
        4. en tobaccoish
        5. en tobaccoless
        出典: ウィクショナリー

        Meaning of tobacco for the defined word.

        文法的に、この単語"tobacco"は 名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞絶対単数です。
        難しい性質: レベル 1
        簡単に     ➨     難しいです
        明確性: レベル 9
        明確    ➨     多目的