
sign 意味

EN[saɪn] [-aɪn]
記号 記号
  • 記号(きごう)とは、情報伝達や思考・感情・芸術などの精神行為の働きを助ける媒体のことである。狭義には、文字やマークなど、意味を付された図形を指すが、広義には表現物、ファッションや様々な行為(およびその結果)までをも含む。

    Definition of sign in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLsigns
    1. (sometimes also used uncountably) A visible indication.
      1. Their angry expressions were a clear sign they didn't want to talk. ‎
      2. Those clouds show signs of raining soon. ‎
      3. Those clouds show little sign of raining soon. ‎
      4. Signs of disease are objective, whereas symptoms are subjective. ‎
      5. The hunters found deer sign at the end of the trail. ‎
    2. A clearly visible object, generally flat, bearing a short message in words or pictures.
      1. The sign in the window advertised a room for rent. ‎
    3. A traffic sign.
      1. I missed the sign at the corner so I took the wrong turn. ‎
    4. A meaningful gesture.
      1. I gave them a thumbs-up sign. ‎
    5. Any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols.
      1. The sharp sign indicates that the pitch of the note is raised a half step. ‎
    6. (astrology) An astrological sign.
      1. Your sign is Taurus? That's no surprise. ‎
    7. (mathematics) Positive or negative polarity.
      1. I got the magnitude right, but the sign was wrong. ‎
    8. A specific gesture or motion used to communicate by those with speaking or hearing difficulties; now specifically, a linguistic unit in sign language equivalent to word in spoken languages.
      1. (uncountable) Sign language in general.
        1. Sorry, I don't know sign very well. ‎
      2. An omen.
        1. "It's a sign of the end of the world," the doom prophet said. ‎
      3. (medicine) A property of the body that indicates a disease and, unlike a symptom, is unlikely to be noticed by the patient.
        1. A military emblem carried on a banner or standard.
        2. 動詞 (Verb)SGsignsPRsigningPT, PPsigned
          1. To make a mark.
            1. The Queen signed her letter with the regal signet.
            2. Meantime revolving in his thoughtful mind / The scar, with which his manly knee was sign'd […].
            3. Enquire the Iewes house out, giue him this deed, / And let him signe it […].
            4. I forgot to sign that letter to my aunt.
            5. Just sign your name at the bottom there.
            6. I received a letter from some woman who signs herself ‘Mrs Trellis’.
            7. Please sign on the dotted line.
            8. Agents say Wales back Gavin Henson has signed for Cardiff Blues.
            9. It was a great month. I managed to sign three major players.
          2. To make the sign of the cross.
            1. We receive this child into the congregation of Christ's flock, and do sign him with the sign of the cross.
            2. Shaking a fist at him with one fierce arm, / Signing himself with the other because of Christ.
          3. To indicate.
            1. I signed to Browne to make his retreat.
            2. He signed me that I should follow him through the doorway.
        3. より多くの例
          1. 文の途中で使用される
            • In response to the letter writer (June 14) who suggests I fuhgeddaboud signing copies of my bookForever Blue” in Brooklyn:
            • The salesman suckered him into signing an expensive maintenance contract.
            • We have found that a patrolman in the central section of the city can switch on, and later switch off, 100 signs with ease.
          2. 文の初めに使われる
            • Signs of such conflicts could be seen in the protest against numeri clausi at universities
          3. 文の終わに使われる
            • Two patients presented with occipitalgia, two patients presented with torticollis and three patients developed neurologic signs.
        • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
          1. 名詞
            • 可算名詞
              • 絶対単数
                • 不可算名詞
              • 動詞
                • 自動詞
                  • 他動詞
                1. en signs
                2. en signal
                3. fr signal
                4. en signed
                5. en significance
                出典: ウィクショナリー

                Meaning of sign for the defined word.

                文法的に、この単語"sign"は 名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞絶対単数です。また動詞、より具体的に、自動詞他動詞です。
                難しい性質: レベル 1
                簡単に     ➨     難しいです
                明確性: レベル 9
                明確    ➨     多目的