
remote 意味

EN[ɹɪˈməʊt] [ˌɹiːˈməʊt] [ɹəˈməʊt] [rɪˈmoʊt] [-əʊt]
リモート Remote
  • remote(リモート)は、1980年代後期から1990年代前期まで活躍していた日本の音楽バンド。

    Definition of remote in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLremotesPREré-SUF-ote
    1. Short for remote control.
      1. I hate it when my uncle comes over to visit; he always sits in the best chair and hogs the remote.
    2. (broadcasting) An element of broadcast programming originating away from the station's or show's control room.
    3. 動詞 (Verb)SGremotesPRremotingPT, PPremoted
      1. (computing) To connect to a computer from a remote location.
        1. These requirements are applicable whether you are remoting into a server or locally executing SharePoint cmdlets.
    4. 形容詞 (Adjective)COMremoterSUPremotest
      1. At a distance; disconnected.
        1. A remote operator may control the vehicle with a wireless handset.
      2. Distant or otherwise inaccessible.
        1. After his fall from the emperor's favor, the general was posted to a remote outpost.
      3. Unlikely.
        1. There was only a remote possibility that we would be rescued as we were far outside of the regular shipping lanes.
      4. Emotionally detached.
        1. After her mother's death, my friend grew remote for a time while she dealt with her grief.
    5. より多くの例
      1. 文の途中で使用される
        • A technotard is a person who is unable to get around on their phone or computer or has to hand over the remote to any new technology.
        • The local physical Chit Chat Club occupants perceive more of the social catalysts and the physicality, although they only see an abstracted representation of the remote cafe-goer.
        • Its main export crop is cashew nuts, but drug money has flowed to corrupt officials as smugglers pay bribes to use the country’s coastline and remote airstrips for cocaine transshipments.
    • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 形容詞
        • 名詞
          • 可算名詞
          • 動詞
          1. en remoteness
          2. en remotes
          3. en remoter
          4. en remoted
          5. en remotely
          出典: ウィクショナリー

          Meaning of remote for the defined word.

          文法的に、この単語"remote"は 形容詞です。また名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞です。また動詞です。
          難しい性質: レベル 1
          簡単に     ➨     難しいです
          明確性: レベル 8
          明確    ➨     多目的