
meaning 意味

EN[ˈmiːnɪŋ] [-iːnɪŋ]

    Definition of meaning in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLmeaningsPREmé-SUF-ing
    1. The symbolic value of something.
      1. The significance of a thing.
        1. the meaning of life
      2. (semantics) The objects or concept that a word or phrase denotes, or that which a sentence says.
        1. (obsolete) Intention.
        2. 動詞 (Verb)
          1. present participle of mean.
            1. Turbines have been around for a long timewindmills and water wheels are early examples. The name comes from the Latin turbo, meaning vortex, and thus the defining property of a turbine is that a fluid or gas turns the blades of a rotor, which is attached to a shaft that can perform useful work.
        3. 形容詞 (Adjective)COMmore meaningSUPmost meaning
          1. Having a (specified) intention.
            1. Expressing some intention or significance; meaningful.
            2. より多くの例
              1. 文の途中で使用される
                • Further, some investors ride the coattails of investor giants, such as Warren Buffett, meaning they would frequently invest in the stocks Buffet invested in.
                • If we desire to find the hidden meaning and subtlety of the pictorial symbols we must search these mediæval encyclopediæ.
                • We have felt it ourselves when the obvious meaning of Shakespeare has been rewritten into Hegelese, by some Doctor of Philosophy [ … ] eager to apply his new theory of fog as an illuminating medium.
              2. 文の終わに使われる
                • He's like a human parrot: he resays whatever he's told - without any comprehension of its meaning.
                • No longer just an excuse to eat great food and drink fine riesling, the Spring Festival has taken on new meaning.
                • Evidences from ectrophysiological studies which employed affective priming paradigms also support the idea that music can convey emotional meaning.
            • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
              1. 形容詞
                • 形態素
                  • サフィックス
                    • サフィックスによって言葉
                      • Words suffixed with -ing
                  • 名詞
                    • 可算名詞
                    • 動詞
                      • 動詞形
                        • 分詞
                          • 現在分詞
                    1. en meaningless
                    2. en meaningful
                    3. en meanings
                    4. en meaningly
                    5. en meaningness
                    出典: ウィクショナリー

                    Meaning of meaning for the defined word.

                    文法的に、この単語"meaning"は 形容詞です。また形態素、より具体的に、サフィックスです。また名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞です。また動詞、より具体的に、動詞形です。
                    難しい性質: レベル 1
                    簡単に     ➨     難しいです
                    明確性: レベル 9
                    明確    ➨     多目的