
in kind 意味

現物で, 種類で

    Definition of in kind in English Dictionary

  • 副詞 (Adverb)SUF-kind
    1. (paying or giving) with goods or services (as opposed to cash).
      1. I made some donations to the charity, not in money, but in kind, such as non-perishable food.
    2. (idiomatic) In a reciprocal manner; in a similar way; in the same kind.
      1. Vardy drilled over after getting behind Bartley and also hit the side-netting, resulting in the loudest cheer of the day from the Swansea fans after he kicked an advertising board in frustration. He responded in kind by showing them three fingers with one hand and making a zero with the other.
  • 前置詞 (Preposition)
    1. (usually after the noun) In the form of goods and services rather than money.
      1. "How much did he give?" "Hard to say. It was all in kind."
      2. The pay is OK, but the real attraction is all the benefits in kind.
  • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
    1. フレーズ
      • 前置詞句
      • 副詞
        • 不可比較副詞
        • 前置詞
          • 前置詞句

        Other Vocabulary

        類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
        1. en in-kind
        2. en unkind
        3. en inbind
        4. en inking
        5. en in bend
        出典: ウィクショナリー

        Meaning of in kind for the defined word.

        文法的に、この熟語"in kind"は フレーズ、より具体的に、前置詞句です。また副詞、より具体的に、不可比較副詞です。また前置詞、より具体的に、前置詞句です。
        明確性: レベル 4
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