
heaven 意味

EN[hɛvn] [ˈhɛvən] [-ɛvn] [-ɛvən]
天国 天国
  • 天国(てんごく、heaven)とは、
  • 神や天使などがいて、清浄とされる、天上の理想の世界。
  • 信者の霊魂が永久の祝福を受ける場所(キリスト教での用法)。
  • (転じて)そこで暮らす者にとって、理想的な世界のこと。何にわずらわされることもない、快適な環境。もしくは、かくあるべきだとする究極の神の創造理想と定義できる世界。
EN Heaven

    Definition of heaven in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLheavens
    1. The sky, specifically.
      1. All that is vnder the heauen.
      2. The bestis of the erthe...the foulis of heuene
      3. Euery man cannot, with Archimedes, make a heauen of brasse.
    2. (religion) The abode of God or the gods, traditionally conceived as beyond the sky; especially.
      1. And there was a battel in heauen. Michael & his Angels foght againſt the dragon, and the dragon foght & his Angels. But they preuailed not, nether was their place founde anie more in heauen.
      2. Venus...Doun fro the heven gan descende.
      3. ...he cannot thriue, Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heare And loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrath Of greatest Iustice.
    3. (religion) The afterlife of the blessed dead, traditionally conceived as opposed to an afterlife of the wicked and unjust (compare hell); specifically.
      1. Teache the people to gett heuen with fastynge.
      2. The belief in ascending to Heaven after death became widespread in the Han dynasty.
      3. If heuene be on þis erthe...It is in cloistere or in scole.
      4. It an heuene was hire voys to here.
      5. Perhaps it has gone to the dog heaven, and is wagging somewhere in glory.
  • 動詞 (Verb)SGheavensPRheaveningPT, PPheavened
    1. (obsolete) To transport to the abode of God, the gods, or the blessed.
      1. (obsolete) To beatify, enchant, or please greatly.
        1. (obsolete) To beautify, to make into a paradise.
        2. より多くの例
          1. 文の途中で使用される
            • lights in the heavens transcending the region of the clouds
            • He would move heaven and earth to make sure his family is healthy.
            • While the stars that oversprinkle / All the heavens seem to twinkle / With a crystalline delight — The Bells, Edgar Allan Poe.
        • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
          1. 名詞
            • 可算名詞
            • 動詞
            1. en heavens
            2. en heavenly
            3. en heaveno
            4. en heavenes
            5. en heavenful
            出典: ウィクショナリー

            Meaning of heaven for the defined word.

            文法的に、この単語"heaven"は 名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞です。また動詞です。
            難しい性質: レベル 1
            簡単に     ➨     難しいです
            明確性: レベル 9
            明確    ➨     多目的