
exploit 意味

EN[ˈɛksplɔɪt] [ɪksˈplɔɪt] [-ɔɪt]
エクスプロイト, 悪用
FR exploit

    Definition of exploit in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLexploits
    1. A heroic or extraordinary deed.
      1. An achievement.
        1. The first trek to the summit of Mount Everest was a stunning exploit. ‎
      2. (computing) A program or technique that exploits a vulnerability in other software.
      3. 動詞 (Verb)SGexploitsPRexploitingPT, PPexploited
        1. (transitive) To use for one’s own advantage.
        2. より多くの例
          1. 文の途中で使用される
            • The antibiofilm potential of PDT therapy can also be exploited in depletion of C.
            • MSCs exert potent immunomodulant effects on antigen-specific T cells in CD through a complex paracrine and cell-cell contact-mediated action, which may be exploited for widespread therapeutic use.
            • Certainly the wishful dreaming of the passive film-goer is exploited by the film producer — but why does the film-goer permit himself to be controlled by his wishful dreaming?
          2. 文の終わに使われる
            • So attention to Quine and Putnam’s writings is important, not just to set the record straight, but because it reveals some new argumentative strategies for platonists to exploit.
        • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
          1. 名詞
            • 可算名詞
            • 動詞
              • 他動詞
            1. fr exploit
            2. en exploitation
            3. fr exploitation
            4. en exploiter
            5. fr exploiter
            出典: ウィクショナリー

            Meaning of exploit for the defined word.

            文法的に、この単語"exploit"は 名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞です。また動詞、より具体的に、他動詞です。
            難しい性質: レベル 3
            簡単に     ➨     難しいです
            明確性: レベル 8
            明確    ➨     多目的