
even though 意味

たとえ, にもかかわらず

    Definition of even though in English Dictionary

  • 接続詞 (Conjunction)PREeven-
    1. although, though; despite or in spite of the fact that.
      1. She left him even though she still loved him.
  • より多くの例
    1. 文の途中で使用される
      • And even though a moment earlier he had felt guilty not to have taken Dave's anguish more to heart, Claytor found himself annoyed at being caught red-handedly dogless .
      • The sandwich tasted fine, even though it got squished in his lunchbox.
      • The wrench wouldn’t budge, even though Tony was just whaling on it with a big old sledge hammer.
    2. 文の初めに使われる
      • Even though he had bad news, he tried to wind up his speech on a positive note.
      • Even though there were dangerous chemicals about, they worked in their shirtsleeves rather than hazmat suits.
      • Even though he doesn't really know how to use them, he keeps the tools around, figuring they might come in handy someday.
  • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
    1. 接続詞

    Other Vocabulary

    類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
    1. en eaves trough
    2. en seen through
    3. en eventhood
    4. en as though
    5. en pentrough
    出典: ウィクショナリー

    Meaning of even though for the defined word.

    文法的に、この熟語"even though"は 接続詞です。
    明確性: レベル 1
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