
distanced 意味

離れました, 距離を置いてください

    Definition of distanced in English Dictionary

  • 動詞 (Verb)BFdistanceSGdistancesPRdistancingPREdis-
    1. simple past tense and past participle of distance.
    2. より多くの例
      1. 文の途中で使用される
        • The area of each specimen was lased imbricately twice with a uniformly slow speed at a 90-degree angle to the surface and at a distance of 1 mm.
        • The obtained molds present hexagonally arranged 50 nm diameter pores, with a 100 nm interpore distance and a length of 100 nm.
        • The Ru–N(6) bond distances are largely unaffected by the addition of steric bulk, suggesting that differences in photoreactivity are influenced by bond angle distortions.
      2. 文の終わに使われる
        • You're going to have to gun it to pick up that much speed in such a short distance.
        • Feedback latency from V2 depends on interareal conduction velocity and distance.
        • We could see the lights of the village twinkling in the distance.
    • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 動詞
        • 動詞形
          • 分詞
            • 過去分詞
            • 単純過去形の動詞

        Other Vocabulary

        類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
        1. en distance
        2. fr distance
        3. en distancer
        4. fr distancer
        5. fr distances
        出典: ウィクショナリー

        Meaning of distanced for the defined word.

        文法的に、この単語"distanced"は 動詞、より具体的に、動詞形です。
        明確性: レベル 1
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