
curtly 意味

素っ気なく, ぶっきらぼう

    Definition of curtly in English Dictionary

  • 副詞 (Adverb)COMmore curtlySUPmost curtly
    1. In a curt manner; tersely, almost rudely.
      1. The thing I wanted most at this juncture was to have a heart-to-heart talk with that young femme fatale, and after roaming hither and thither for a while I found her in my chair on the lawn, reading the Ma Cream book in which I had been engrossed when these doings had started. She greeted me with a bright smile, and said: “Back already? Did you find it?” With a strong effort I mastered my emotion and replied curtly but civilly that the answer was in the negative. “No,” I said, “I did not find it.”
  • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
    1. 副詞

    Other Vocabulary

    類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
    1. en curt
    2. en Curt
    3. en curtsy
    4. en curter
    5. en Curtis
    出典: ウィクショナリー

    Meaning of curtly for the defined word.

    文法的に、この単語"curtly"は 副詞です。
    明確性: レベル 1
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