
burning 意味

EN[bɝnɪŋ] [bɜːnɪŋ] [-ɜː(ɹ)nɪŋ]

    Definition of burning in English Dictionary

  • 名詞 (Noun)PLburningsSUF-ing
    1. The act by which something burns or is burned.
      1. A fire.
        1. The burnings continued all day.
    2. 動詞 (Verb)
      1. present participle of burn.
      2. 形容詞 (Adjective)COMmore burningSUPmost burning
        1. So hot as to seem to burn (something).
          1. the burning sun
        2. Feeling very hot.
          1. burning skin
        3. Feeling great passion.
          1. her burning heart
        4. Consuming; intense; inflaming; exciting; vehement; powerful.
          1. burning zeal
      3. より多くの例
        1. 文の途中で使用される
          • She has been burning her candle at both ends lately, trying to put it together on time.
          • The new procedure relies on a type of laser called the pulsed photoangiolytic KTP. Its green light selectively destroys the blood vessels feeding the tumor without burning the vocal cords.
          • The desert storm was riding in its strength; the travellers lay beneath the mastery of the fell simoom. Whirling wreaths and columns of burning wind, rushed around and over them.
        2. 文の終わに使われる
          • We got our water from a pump in the backyard and there is no domestic fatigue indoors or out-of-doors that I have not done continuously, not for fun but to keep the home fires burning.
      • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
        1. 形容詞
          • 名詞
            • 可算名詞
            • 動詞
              • 動詞形
                • 分詞
                  • 現在分詞
            1. en burnings
            2. en burningly
            3. en burning bar
            4. en burning down
            5. en burning-ghat
            出典: ウィクショナリー

            Meaning of burning for the defined word.

            文法的に、この単語"burning"は 形容詞です。また名詞、より具体的に、可算名詞です。また動詞、より具体的に、動詞形です。
            難しい性質: レベル 1
            簡単に     ➨     難しいです
            明確性: レベル 5
            明確    ➨     多目的