
breading 意味

パン粉づけ, パン粉

    Definition of breading in English Dictionary

  • 動詞 (Verb)BFbreadSGbreadsPT, PPbreadedSUF-ing
    1. present participle of bread.
    2. より多くの例
      1. 文の途中で使用される
        • such knowledge, for the daughter of Andrew Undershaft, will clearly lead to something hopefuller than distributing bread and treacle at the expense of Bodger.
        • When I die, don't bury me deep, / Put a jug of 'lasses at my feet, / And a piece of corn bread in my hand, / Gwine to sop my way to the promised land.
        • Called khubz, the bread is about the size of pita but much denser.
      2. 文の終わに使われる
        • I'm just popping off to the shops to pick up some bread.
    • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 動詞
        • 動詞形
          • 分詞
            • 現在分詞

      Other Vocabulary

      類似の単語 (Look-Alike Words)
      1. en reading
      2. en Reading
      3. en dreading
      4. en treading
      5. en pleading
      出典: ウィクショナリー

      Meaning of breading for the defined word.

      文法的に、この単語"breading"は 動詞、より具体的に、動詞形です。
      明確性: レベル 1
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