
arrange 意味

EN[əˈɹeɪndʒ] [-eɪndʒ]
アレンジ, 手配
FR arrange

    Definition of arrange in English Dictionary

  • 動詞 (Verb)SGarrangesPRarrangingPT, PParranged
    1. To set up, to organize, especially in a positive manner.
      1. The huge square box, parquet-floored and high-ceilinged, had been arranged to display a suite of bedroom furniture designed and made in the halcyon days of the last quarter of the nineteenth century, […].
    2. To put in order, to organize.
      1. To plan; to prepare in advance.
        1. to arrange to meet;   to arrange for supper
      2. (music) To prepare and adapt an already-written composition for presentation in other than its original form.
      3. より多くの例
        1. 文の途中で使用される
          • Up to 11 vascular bundles are coplanarly arranged in the middle part of a cone scale.
          • Clinton and I became peripherally involved with a pair of Leckford Road girls who, principally sapphic in their interests, would arrange for sessions of group frolic. Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22
          • And if anyone in the Malay community has a sprain, a fractured or dislocated limb, or is plain tired, he or she immediately arranges for an urut.
      • 品詞階層 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
        1. 動詞
        1. en arrangement
        2. fr arrangement
        3. en arrangements
        4. fr arrangements
        5. fr arrange
        出典: ウィクショナリー

        Meaning of arrange for the defined word.

        文法的に、この単語"arrange"は 動詞です。
        難しい性質: レベル 1
        簡単に     ➨     難しいです
        明確性: レベル 8
        明確    ➨     多目的